For April 2000

I wish to thank dear Matt Talbot for curing me of smoking and Pills. I have had a Mass said in thanksgiving.

CS Co. Dublin

A Prayer my brother gave me to say for him to Matt Talbot has helped him to give up Alcohol for the past ten years. I say it now for my son. Please pray for him.

R O’N Philadelphia USA

My Daughter lost a sum of money. I prayed the whole week-end to Matt Talbot and on Tuesday Morning and it was found

HD Dublin

For March 2000

I want to thank Matt Talbot for a great favour for my son and his family after a break up in their marriage. I made a Novena to Venerable Matt and thank God they are back together agsin. BL County Westmeath. Matt Talbot has been very good to me. I got a very bad cut on my leg. I prayed night and day to him and it was cured. I did not even have to go to a doctor.

RB Co. Wicklow

In the past 18 months I said the Prayer for the canonisation of Matt Talbot that my son would triumph over the addiction to drink. He hit rock bottom last July when he ended up in Jail for 2 weeks. I prayed hard and talked to Matt Talbot to please help him. Since last August he now lives one day at a time and goes to his AA Meetings.

TMcC Co. Down

For Feb 2000

Last Lent, I decided to give up cigarettes. I knew that it would be very difficult for me. I had been smoking since I was a teenager and smoked between 15 and 30 cigarettes each day. I prayed every day that Matt Talbot would help me through his intercession to cure my addiction. He didnt let me down. I havent smoked since.

MM Cork

(Matt Talbot admitted that he found it more difficult to give up smoking than to give up drinking – vice postulators comment)

I would like to write to you concerning a wonderful favour received through the intercession of Matt Talbot. I was going through a spiritual crisis and on my last legs. I received this inspirateion:- “Why not say a Rosary in honour of the love Matt Talbot had for the Mother of God? I did and I received the Grace to carry on. GS Shepherds Bush London. My wife Mary, a nurse, had cancer of the Kidney. She had an operation and was very ill afterwards. I prayed to Matt Talbot for her and after many months she made a full recovery

NKC Coventry.

For January 2000

We wish to acknowledge gratefully a favour received through the intercession of Matt Talbot, i.e. the birth of a beautiful healthy baby boy after many miscarriages.

J & B.J. Co. Tipperary.

I acknowledge a favour through the intercession of Matt Talbot concerning the sale of our house in Waterford where I lived before moving to Dublin. We had great difficulty in trying to sell the house and we bought a house in Dublin with a bridging loan based on the sale of the house in Waterford. For approximately nine months we were paying very large brifging interest. One day I found a leaflet about Matt talbot in the Attic. I said the prayer on the leaflet and within a day or two I had a call from an auctioneer in Waterford to say that he had an offer on the house.

D. McD Dublin 16

I had a very bad breakdown some years ago. It happened when I came out of the drink. I had put my family through hell. A friend of mine in the same hospital got me praying to Matt Talbot and now I am six years off the drink and I am doing very well.

E.F. Dublin 10