His Addiction

Matt’s programme of recovery was built around devotion to the Eucharist, love of Mary, Mother of God, spiritual reading, self-discipline and manual work. But he never forgot his struggle with his addiction. “Never look down on a man, who cannot give up the drink”, he told his sister, “it is easier to get out of hell!”.

Most of the favours attributed to his intercession world-wide are for addicts and their families. Hundreds have been reported. Some day he may be declared the patron saint for addicts. Short version of the prayer for his help: “May Matt Talbot’s triumph over addiction, bring hope to our community and strength to our hearts, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.”


Remembering Matt Talbot: Mary Purcell (Veritas Publications; 7 Lr. Abbey Street, Dublin, Ireland)

Matt Talbot and his Times: Mary Purcell (Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago.)

Matt Talbot: Sr. Susan Helen Wallace FSP, (St Paul Books & Media, Boston).


Matt Talbot: Hope for Addicts: Fr. Morgan Costelloe,(VeritasPublications, Dublin.)

The Making of Matt Talbot: Mary Purcell, (Messenger Publications, 37 Lr Leeson Street, Dublin)

The Mystery of Matt Talbot: Fr. Morgan Costelloe (Messenger Publications) . Prayer Cards are also available.